Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Favourite Books by Sachin Karpe

It is said, one who stops reading stops leading. Rightly so, people who don’t read are so cocooned in life. Reading as a habit, once cultivated, takes you to new heights of a high, knowledge, virtue and wisdom. Some of my favourite books that I strongly recommend to any kinds of a reader.

Alchemist By Paulo Coelho
A story of belief and faith. A quest to achieve something and a desire to struggle for it. These 2 sentences best describe the book. A hidden message within the book is the need to pursue a dream and be ready to achieve it, come what may.

Lady you are not a man:
A recent Indian best seller, written by Apurva Purohit, CEO of Radio City, the book is a combination of cheeky lessons every woman at work needs to consider. A woman at work is no less than a jugular in the circus of life. Book proves to be a simple guide to many woman by a woman who herself is a stalwart in the industry.

Wings of Fire: Abdul Kalam
Autobiographies have always interested me. Especially if they are not self proclaimed and depict a true picture of struggle by the protagonist. This is one such book which talks about the rise of a simple village-boy from the rags of his small home to the leading the most prestigious space project by India till becoming the president of India. An inspiration for every Indian.

The last lecture: Randy Pausch
Life comes to an end some day, the bitter truth, when encounters us, leaves us all shattered. But, little do we know that life is to be celebrated and not mourned at any event. This book is a tale of this author, who upon realizing that he has limited days to live owing to cancer, records the best of his experiences as a lecture to his university students, in a bid to preserve hem for his three children.

Mythology and especially Mahabharat teaches lessons which no management, self help of a philosophy book can ever teach. Human emotions are the most difficult subjects to deal with. Mahabharat is a tale ofmany such emotions and their repercussions. It is a story of duty, vengeance, karma and devotion where each character has a message to take away from. As for me, I see no character in Mahabharat as godly. They were humans, caught in the trap of their doings.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work to Lose Weight? Explains Sachin Karpe

Health Fitness, Lose Weight, Dieting
There’s a new trend in dieting these days not eating.  “fasting” became a popular trend and while fasting itself is certainly not a novel concept as people have been doing it for religious reasons for hundreds of years. “intermittent fasting” as a weight loss method seems to be the new trend. But is it safe? And does it really work? We talked to fitness and nutrition expert Sachin Karpe to find out.

While there are different levels of intermittent fasting (IF) diets, two of the most buzzed about are The Fast Diet and The 8-Hour Diet. The Fast Diet, sometimes referred to the 5:2 diet, encourages people to eat normally five days per week, and trim calorie intake down to 500 to 600 calories total for two non-consecutive days. In terms of weight loss, participants can expect to shed about one to two pounds per week.The 8-Hour Diet, on the other hand, limits the window of time for calorie consumption to eight hours per day, which is supposed to make the body burn fat and calories more efficiently. The 8-Hour Diet works on a cellular level and triggers the energy centers of the body’s cells to selectively burn fat for energy. The diet is also said to reduce the amount of cancer-causing cell damage.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why breakfast is important? Explains Sachin Karpe

A person's breakfast habit decides if his/her body goes into burning (high BMR) or storing (low BMR, high fat-storing) mode. Nutritionist Sachin Karpe says,"You break your night-long fast with this meal. 

It provides 25% of the total energy and nutrients required by the body. It will boost your energy levels and concentration." No breakfast means a sluggish start to the day. 

It also makes a person eat larger meals in the course of the day. The first meal of the day should be a perfect combination of carbohydrates, protein and fibre. An ideal breakfast must include all the "five pillars of nutrition. Never start your day with caffeine. Eat something (fruit/biscuit/plain milk) first and about 20 minutes later, have tea or coffee.

Sachin Karpe Explains Why Fast Food is Not Recommended?

Junk food is food that is calorie-dense and nutrient poor. In recent decades, junk food, fast food and convenience food consumption in the United States have increased dramatically, with 25 percent of people now consuming predominantly junk food diets. Junk food plays a major role in the obesity epidemic says health expert Sachin Karpe

Junk food in these children's diets accounts for 187 extra calories per day, leading to 6 additional pounds of weight gain per year. Obesity increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other chronic health conditions. Your insulin levels become elevated when you eat processed sugars, such as those in soft drinks, white flour and other foods devoid of fiber and nutrients necessary to properly metabolize carbohydrates. Eating junk foods throughout the day causes chronically high insulin levels, which eventually prompts your cells to begin to ignore this important hormone, resulting in a condition known as insulin resistance.